Citter Conference 2027
The Full Story
Unlocking the Science of the Citters
An Ancient Practice & a New Way of Awareness for one’s Lifestyle in the 21st Century.
The opportunity to Lead a Lifestyle initiated by the Citters
Citter Conference 2027 is the first International Conference on the ‘Citters’ to bring forth to the world this ancient expertise from the Tamil Heart Lands of India.. This will be the first major international event to be held with Citter Tirumular’s Tirumantiram and his works as its main theme.
The intention of the conference is to create a Global interest for learning and awareness for an environment to support an intelligent synthesis of past practices and expertise to present day requirements for an individual to use and journey in.
To this extent we have chosen very carefully our speakers to participate in celebrating the Citter tradition in specific field that can be used in the 21st century by all as an important tool that is in need to today. Therefore, we look forward to not just creating a conference, but an experience of belonging to an ancient tradition that is continually evolving.
Series 1
You are Cordially Invited
The International Conference on Citters will be held in Tamil Nadu for 3 days. This is the first international conference that addresses the Tamil Citter Tradition to the world – a unique confluence of philosophy, knowledge and dimensions of Yoga. The Citter Conference is distinctly different from the usually held conferences and seminars. This conference is devoted to the Citter Tradition that has emerged from the Tamil Heart Lands. The Conference will focus on topics, ideas, contents, interpretations as well as practices elaborated in the Tirumantiram and supporting texts of other Citters. The Citter Tradition is very vast as it has survived till date and practiced. Being the first in the series of Citter International Conferences, we will provide an intense discussion and understanding to our foreign participants as the texts are in Tamil, so that they have the opportunity to have an insight and experience of this tradition they can take back to ponder on.
Why?.... the Citter Tradition is neglected by foreigners which is unwarranted. The Tamil Citters are central to several prominent Tamil cultural themes, to Tamil sacred and historical geography, to poetic conventions, philosophical ideas, therapeutic practices, and religious interpretations. Many of their poems still resonate across Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka.
The Citter International Conference brings forth to everyone in the world the Citter Tradition and Citter Systems, it’s deep routed knowledge, expertise, practices to the world in order to balance the scholarly neglect and it’s true practices, so that this knowledge and tradition can be freely used by everyone to manage a lifestyle of good health physically and mentally also offering the journey of inquiry for all.
The conference will have workshops so that delegates can participate to have an opportunity to experience. The contributors will explore the tradition with first hand practical experiences, in the short time. It also gives an opportunity for people to come back to us to join our programmes and courses offered through the year at Chidambaram to enhance their practice and experience that will lay down the foundation to a lifestyle one can lead.
The conference dives into Tirumūlar’s Tirumantiram that explains that the greatest power is to realize that one’s individual consciousness is one with that of Lord Civa, and the one who has fully attained this realization is a Citter.
It is to be noted that Tamil Citters were the authors of texts on subjects not always directly related according to the modern division of subjects, including: medicine, botany, pharmacopoeia, diagnosis, treatment, yoga, astrology, spirituality, alchemy and iatrochemistry, philosophy, and so forth. “Tamil Citters” thus must be seen as a generic term depicting a heterogeneous group, including poets, philosophers, bards, mystics, tantrics, yogis, alchemists, scholars, and physicians; they belonged to various periods of time, not recorded by man, and are not easily reducible to a common denominator. Many of their subjects centre around the body and mind, and this, combined with the search by many of the Citters for elixirs and ways to prolong their lives, has resulted in the development of medical practices subsumed today under the name “Siddha Medicine.”
In this first international conference on the Citters, we hope to present the Tamil Citter traditions as vibrant and complex as their practice and source material show them to be. For example, the yoga instructions as laid out by Citter Tirumūlar in his Tirumantiram, which lead the Citter on the path to, first prolonging their lives and preserving their bodies and, finally, to a transcendent state of enlightenment and immortality. Such, according to Tirumūlar, may be achieved when the vital energies of “breath” (prāṇayamam) can be retained within a practitioner’s body. This and other “practices for perfecting the body” will help to preserve it in an immortal state, as described by Tirumūlar who also prescribes various yogic techniques, including breathing exercises, body postures, sound energy and meditation, that leads to Kundalini awakening. While the immortal state resembles a deathlike state, it is however said to be the ultimate blissful state of living and the Citter’s ultimate merging with the Civa.
Inadequate attention has hitherto been paid to the Ancient Citter Tradition and practices within and outside Tamil Nadu, India and outside India as a ‘Life Science,’ that the Citters have experienced, giving us their expertise, that they themselves have practiced and found results.
Over time the practices of the Citters have been a secret available to those who became ‘seekers.’
Today this practice and knowledge is being used as ‘Siddha Medicine’ which is a smaller practice of the greater experiences and teachings of the Citters.
It is time now to bring to the world as a whole this unknown system from Tamil Nadu, that many more people can have access to, and use such a system to better their lives with. To have the opportunity to practice and come to their ow conclusions on this grand road….a personal journey beyond one’s life time!
The Objective :
To bring the pearls of the Citter Tradition, Systems, Knowledge, Expertise & Experience close to humanity where people can take up the tradition to have a better Lifestyle to lead.
To understand the Yoga Texts deeply and clearly
To initiate an interest in the knowledge of Citter Civa Yogam
To inspire participants to study and understand this tradition
To develop interest in the comparative study of Tirumulars Civa Yogam Practices and commonly available yoga practices
To make to understand what Yoga is and what it has been being propagated
The Theme:
Citter - It is a common platform for various streams and practices, theories, concepts and ideas by Citters over a period of time.
The Methodology:
Language – English & Tamil
Daily Pranayama Practices
Citter Health & Wellness Practices
Who can participate:
Those who are interested to know about the Ancient Citter Traditions and its teachings
Those who wish to take up research on the Citters
Medical Practisioners
Yoga Enthusiasts
Yoga Practitioners
Students studying Yoga
Citter as a profession
Yoga teachers and Professionals.
Those interested in understanding the pure essence of application of Citter Texts for yogic teachings and health & wellness practice in body, mind and spirit
Contents of the Conference:
Participating Programmes
Paper presentations:
There will be no paper presentations at this conference.
Venue :
Tamil Nadu
The Atmosphere :
Spiritual Atmosphere
Food and Accommodation:
Simple vegetarian food. Accommodation on sharing basis.
Important Dates :
Last Day of Registration August 30th, 2025.