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All our products are non-medicinal and totally herbal using natural extracts fused together based on ancient formulations that we replicate.


Knee & Joint Pain

Knee & Joint Pain Care

NaturePath’s Knee & Joint Pain Combo provides you with relief for knee & joint pain that occurs due to aging, injury, or any other health related problem. Our product as a combo offered is 100% natural and is formulated based on an ancient Citter formulation with proven results based on an oil for massage and a plant nutarian as a food supplement to bring the desired results. Both products are herbal based chosen for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving attributes for reducing Joint and Knee pain. The concoction is not a medicine but of select herbs as oil and as a food supplement reflects no side effects.

The benefits are, it relieves Pain in Joints, Knees, and Muscles, Reduces Inflammation, Gives Relief in Pain, Helps those with Arthritis, Enhances Mobility, Relaxes Muscles by reducing Stiffness and Increases Flexibility.

Product Form: Combo off 100 ml Knee & Joint Pain Oil and 100gms food suppliant. Good for 20 Days use.

Daily Need

         Citter  Rejuvenator

Citter Rejuvenation is just what you need! The practice of rejuvenation is crucial for everyone no matter what your age is. But the truth is, our modern world is all too often depleting, and we must find ways to rejuvenate on a regular basis. Citter Rejuvenator is one good way for everyone! Rejuvenation is a profound practice that can provide relief from acute and or ongoing stress or illness you have. This is a restorative practice that boosts ones mental and physical energy while allowing the body to work on recovery.

The Benefits of rejuvenation are many. It promotes longevity, supports balanced health, maintains youthfulness, enhances vitality and radiance, supports healthy immune function, promoting healthy natural aging, enhancing antioxidant action within the body, and supporting a healthy nervous system.

Take two minutes in the morning and two in the evening and have a cup of our malt. It sets you on the path of rejuvenation!



Cardiovascular CAD Care

This single word ‘HEART’ encompasses how our heart provides for us by moving blood and nourishment throughout our body. Our heart and blood vessels make up the cardiovascular system. Its primary role is to carry blood full of oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and move waste for disposal to their proper sites for elimination. Pulsing and rushing through our veins, the blood is what animates our body—and our life. Our vital blood serum, which consists of protein and red blood cells is the fuel that governs our blood flow, carrying oxygen and liquid nutrients to the tissues, glands, and organs, helping them stay healthy and functioning well. This flow of blood is responsible for our very existence, including the maintenance of our body systems and how we get oxygen to the brain so we can think and take action in our lives. 
The benefits of our Citter Cardiac Tonic promote proper function of the heart and circulatory system, supports healthy cholesterol levels and removing plaque. The tonic promotes the proper function of the heart and circulatory system, supports blood circulation and a healthy supply of oxygen to the system, with healthy cholesterol levels.
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Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids can be a challenging and distressing condition to live with, often affecting daily life and well-being. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop within the muscular walls of the uterus. They are one of the most common gynaecological conditions, affecting many women during their reproductive years. If you have been experiencing heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, frequent urination, or even reproductive complications, you are not alone in your struggles.

Uterine fibroids are abnormal non-cancerous muscular growth on the uterus. Others terms for uterine fibroids are leiomyomas or myomas. The size of the fibroids varies from undetectable by the human eye to the massive size that can distort the uterus. A female may have a single uterine fibroid or multiple ones. In some cases, the multiple fibroids expand the womb to the extent that it reaches the rib cage.

Citter treatment of uterine fibroids are powerful herbal care that have stood the test of time that naturally shrink and heal fibroids.

Our Fibroid Care Pack is complete formula to subside the symptoms of uterine fibroid. Various preparation of herbs can help to reduce the fibroids. There are no side effects of this combination if taken with any other medications.



Fertility Care

The seed of fertility refers to the egg and sperm. The Citter System has a long tradition of supporting and promoting pregnancy. In fact, Citter emphasizes the preconception period just as much, if not more, than the pregnancy period itself. The preconception time offers a golden opportunity to provide the best nourishment and care to you and your future child. Citter System offers a complete approach to fertility that embraces both the male and the female roles as equally important. This is especially true for men, since fully mature sperm are produced, on average, every two months. For women, maintaining a healthy environment protects the quality of the eggs that they were born with.

Our products are designed separately for male and female care.

Female: Our nourishing, revitalizing blend features herbs traditionally used to support the proper function of the female reproductive system, balanced female hormones, and a healthy menstrual cycle.

Male: With rejuvenating herbs traditionally used to support, this energizing blend imbues the body with strength, stamina, and vitality.

Please consult us before purchase to identify the suitability of this product for you and your partner.


RA Care

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that impacts the smaller as well as the bigger joints. This is a condition related to the immune system. Pain, swelling, and stiffness cause physical disability. Every day, pain keeps biting all the joints. And even painkillers stop working overtime. The body becomes resistant to all medicines. When the pain subsides with medicines, even though this disease keeps on eating the joints and cartilage. The final fate is- disability for this disease and also other body systems, including the eyes, lungs, heart, blood vessels, and skin. In some cases, rheumatoid arthritis can cause a joint deformity as well. This disease occurs more commonly in women than in men! Although rheumatoid arthritis attacks people of all ages, it often appears first in women between the ages of 20 and 40.


Because of the nature of the disease, it is important to control this condition, immediately. When this condition becomes chronic, it becomes hard to control it.

Therefore, you should opt for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis at the earliest as RA is not just another joint disease, it is more than that!


The Citter System of Care of Rheumatoid Arthritis helps in bringing the immune system to normal. This will help you to lead a normal life.


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